\name{geneInfo} \alias{geneInfo} \alias{SNPinfo} \alias{geneLayout} \alias{geneSNPs} \alias{itemsInRange} \alias{useSNPper} \alias{useSNPper2} \alias{ginfoHandler} \alias{nsnpHandler} \alias{sinrangeHandler} \alias{ginrangeHandler} \alias{snpinfoHandler} \alias{dot} \alias{glayHandler} \alias{outPaste} \title{use CHIP SNPper XML-RPC service to extract gene or SNP information} \description{ SNPper is a web service at chip.org (see Riva and Kohane, Bioinformatics 2002). This function sets up the XML RPC call for the GENEINFO service. } \usage{ geneInfo(name=NA, acc=NA, id=NA, useOldOutput=FALSE) SNPinfo(dbsnpid=NA, useOldOutput=FALSE) geneLayout(id=NA) geneSNPs(id=NA, acc=NA) itemsInRange(item="genes", chr, start, end) useSNPper(cmd, parmstring) useSNPper2(cmd, parmstring) } \arguments{ \item{name}{ name: standard gene name} \item{acc}{ acc: mrna accession number} \item{id}{ id: SNPper gene id. This is a 'private' nomenclature, to find the value for a given gene, use geneInfo.} \item{dbsnpid}{ dbsnpid: numeric value after 'rs' in dbSNP id } \item{item}{ item: string, either "genes", "snps", or "countsnps" } \item{useOldOutput}{ logical: should the 1.5 output format be used? newer format uses an S4 object} \item{cmd}{ cmd: character string identifying an XML-RPC call honored by SNPPER; see list .rpcCalls in package} \item{parmstring}{ parmstring: character string supplying parm=value information } \item{chr}{chr: string beginning with 'chr' identifying chromosome of interest} \item{start}{start: start in base pair count of region of interest; use a string to avoid problems with scientific notation} \item{end}{end: end in base pair count of region of interest; use a string to avoid problems with scientific notation} } \details{ runs an xmlEventParse on the XML-RPC response and packages the results. } \value{ an attributed, named character vector. The attribute gives version info for the SNPper database build. } \references{Riva A and Kohane IS, SNPper: retrieval and analysis of human SNPs, Bioinformatics 18(12) 2002, pp1681-1685. } \author{Vince Carey } \note{The itemsInRange function with item argument 'countsnps' is a hack that does not use XML parsing because the countsnps XML-RPC returns illegitimate XML tags. Thus there is no toolInfo attribute for this specific call. All other functions return textual information coupled with a 'toolInfo' attribute which details the SNPper database version, the golden path build version, and the dbSNP database version from which the SNPper resources were constructed. NB: A revised version of the XML package now allows direct parsing of R connection streams. This will be employed ASAP, once the necessary general XML infrastructure becomes prevalent.} %\seealso{ } \examples{ if (interactive()) { print(geneInfo("CRP")) print(geneLayout("546")) tmp <- geneSNPs("546") print(length(tmp)) glist <- itemsInRange("genes","chr1", "155000000", "157000000") print(SNPinfo("25")) print(length(glist)) print(itemsInRange("countsnps","chr1", "156000000", "157000000")) print(useSNPper("geneinfo","&name=CRP")) } } \keyword{ models }