\name{vennDiag} \alias{vennDiag} \title{ Plotting a Venn Diagram to compare hits } \description{ Plots a Venn Diagram of up to three binary hit vectors. } \usage{ vennDiag(header, listOfCols, listOfNames, plotTitle, showPlot) } \arguments{ \item{header}{ the header of a dataset file generated with \code{\link{generateDatasetFile}} } \item{listOfCols}{ a list of binary hit vectors to compare } \item{listOfNames}{ a list of character strings for the annotation of the Venn Diagram } \item{plotTitle}{ the plot title } \item{showPlot}{ 0 or 1. 1 will open one or several plot windows in the R GUI, 0 will only save the plot(s) without opening windows } } \value{ The plot is saved in a pdf and a png file named after the experiment name specified in the header concatenated with the \code{ plotTitle}. The function returns the plot name. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Ttest}}, \code{\link{MannWhitney}} } \examples{ data(exampleHeader, package="RNAither") data(pValVec1, package="RNAither") data(pValVec2, package="RNAither") data(scoredDataset1, package="RNAither") data(scoredDataset2, package="RNAither") ##for details on the generation of pValVec and scoredDataset, ##see the examples of the functions Ttest and MannWhitney linked above. scoredHits1 <- hitselectionPval(scoredDataset1, pValVec1, "SigIntensity", "pValue.ttest_l", 0.05, "GeneName", "pvalue_testfile1.txt") scoredHits2 <- hitselectionPval(scoredDataset2, pValVec2, "SigIntensity", "pValue.mannwhitney_l", 0.05, "GeneName", "pvalue_testfile2.txt") hitvector1 <- scoredHits1[[2]] hitvector2 <- scoredHits2[[2]] plot_name <- vennDiag(header, list(hitvector1, hitvector2), list("t test", "Mann-Whitney test"), "Venn diagram", 1) } \keyword{ device }