\name{hitselectionPval} \alias{hitselectionPval} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Selecting hits according to p-values } \description{ Selects significant genes according to their p-value. } \usage{ hitselectionPval(dataset, pValVec, col4val, col4sel, thresh, col4anno, file4hits) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{dataset}{ an R data frame generated with \code{\link{generateDatasetFile}} } \item{pValVec}{ a vector of p-values, as generated by one of the test functions \code{\link{Ttest}}, \code{\link{MannWhitney}} or \code{\link{RankProduct}} } \item{col4val}{ a character vector specifying a column of intensity values } \item{col4sel}{ a character vector specifying the name of the new dataset column where hits will be stored } \item{thresh}{ the threshold for the p-values, typically 0.05 } \item{col4anno}{ a character string specifying the name of the dataset column to be used to define the replicate, e.g. \code{"GeneName"} or \code{"Internal_GeneID"} } \item{file4hits}{ the name of the file to store the results in } } \details{ If there are no p-values under the defined threshold \code{thresh}, the threshold is increased to \code{min(pvalvec)}. } \value{ A list containing: \item{dataset }{the dataset with an added column defining the hits in the form of a binary vector} \item{hitVector }{the binary vector itself} \item{replicaMatrix }{a matrix of replicates with corresponding values (as generated by \code{\link{generateReplicateMat}})} \item{thresh }{the threshold for the p-values} P-values and the intensity values for each siRNA are stored in a text output file. } \seealso{ \code{\link{hitselectionZscore}}, \code{\link{hitselectionZscorePval}}, \code{\link{Ttest}} } \examples{ data(scoredDataset1, package="RNAither") data(pValVec1, package="RNAither") ##for details on the generation of pValVec1 and scoredDataset1, see the example of the Ttest function linked above. scoredHits1 <- hitselectionPval(scoredDataset1, pValVec1, "SigIntensity", "Pval_hits", 0.05, "GeneName", "pvalue_testfile1.txt") newdataset <- scoredHits1[[1]] hitvector <- scoredHits1[[2]] } \keyword{ arith }