\name{DRQualControl} \alias{DRQualControl} \title{ Computing the dynamic range } \description{ Computes the dynamic range per plate for a complete dataset file and plots the results. } \usage{ DRQualControl(header, data, nbLinesHeader, channel, plotTitle, showPlot) } \arguments{ \item{header}{ the header of a dataset file generated with \code{\link{generateDatasetFile}} } \item{data}{ an R data frame generated with \code{\link{generateDatasetFile}} } \item{nbLinesHeader}{ typically 3 } \item{channel}{ A character string specifying the name of the column containing the values for computing the dynamic range, e.g. \code{ "SigIntensity"} } \item{plotTitle}{ the plot title } \item{showPlot}{ 0 or 1. 1 will open one or several plot windows in the R GUI, 0 will only save the plot(s) without opening windows } } \value{ Returns the dynamic range for each plate in the shell and saves them in a text file. The name of the text file will be the concatenation of the experiment name specified in the header and the character string "DR.txt". Shows a plot of the dynamic range values and saves it as a pdf file under the experiment name specified in the header concatenated with the function argument \code{ plotTitle}. } \references{ M. Boutros, L. Bras, and W. Huber. Analysis of cell-based RNAi screens. \textit{Genome Biol}, 7(7): R66, 2006. } \examples{ data(exampleHeader, package="RNAither") data(exampleDataset, package="RNAither") DRQualControl(header, dataset, 3, "SigIntensity", "DR per plate", 1) } \keyword{ device }