\name{normalize_Rawfiles} \alias{normalize_Rawfiles} \title{Normalize PM Intensity values} \description{ Given a directory with *.raw files, it will normalize the PMA and PMB intensities in each file using Xba.CQV (composite quantile vector) and return the normalized values written to *.norm files corresponding to its *.raw files. EG: If two *.raw files are used, two *.norm files will be returned. This normalization simply puts the probe data on the same scale as the training data. } \usage{ normalize_Rawfiles(cqvfile = "", probefiledir = getwd()) } \arguments{ \item{cqvfile}{Character string specifying the CQV filename (e.g., Xba.CQV) (required)} \item{probefiledir}{Character string specifying location of the *.raw files and *.norm files (optional)} } \author{Nusrat Rabbee , Gary Wong } \keyword{manip}