\name{Rcal} \alias{Rcal} \title{ A function to print a calendar. } \description{ A function that prints the requested monthly calendar. The function relies on \code{pipe} and the Unix routine \code{cal}. } \usage{ Rcal(month, year) } \arguments{ \item{month}{ An optional argument, if supplied a number between 1 and 12. } \item{year}{ An optional argument, if supplied a year. } } \details{ By default this prints the calendar for the current month and year. Otherwise if a month and year are given and then the calendar for that month and year is printed. } \value{ No value is returned. } \author{ R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{pipe}} } \examples{ Rcal() Rcal(6, 1970) } \keyword{ manip }