\name{quality} \alias{quality} \title{Quality Check on a Set of Spectra} \description{ Compute three quality parameters for a set of spectra. } \usage{ quality(Ma, peakinfofile, cutoff) } \arguments{ \item{Ma}{a Matrix where the baseline-subtracted spectra are stored column wise.} \item{peakinfofile}{a `.csv' file in the same format as Ciphergen's peak info file, with 5 columns data. See Details of \code{getPeaks}.} \item{cutoff}{The point in m/z below which spectra are cutoff.} } \details{ The quality parameters are computed a la fashion de Mani. 1. Estimate noise by moving average with a 5 point window. 2. Estimate the noise envelop by 3 times the standard deviation of noise in a 251 point moving window. 3. Compute the area under the baseline-subtracted curve, area0. 4. Compute the area after subtracting the noise envelop from the baseline-subtracted curve, area1. 5. Parameter 'Quality' is defined as area1/area0. 6. Parameter 'Retain' is defined as the number of points with height above 5 times the noise envelop over total number of points in the spectrum. 7. Detect peaks in each spectrum by \code{getPeaks} or Ciphergen software. 8. Parameter 'peak' is defined as the number of peaks in a spectrum divided by the mean number of peaks across spectra. A spectrum is considered to be of poor quality if Quality<0.4, Retain<0.1 and peak<0.5 simultaneously. } \value{ A matrix with three named columns, 'Quality','Retain' and 'peak', with spectrum file names as row names. } \author{Xiaochun Li} \examples{ example(getPeaks) qualRes <- quality(testM, peakfile, cutoff=1500) } \keyword{math}