\name{getPeaks} \alias{getPeaks} \title{Peak Detection} \description{ For given threshold criteria, find peaks. } \usage{ getPeaks(bseoffM, peakinfofile,SoN = 2,span = 81,sm.span=11, zerothrsh=2, area.w = 0.003, ratio = 0.2) } \arguments{ \item{bseoffM}{a matrix holding the baseline-substracted spectra, with row-names as the m/z values and column-names as the spectrum names.} \item{peakinfofile}{a `.csv' file in the same format as Ciphergen's peak info file, with 5 columns data. More details later.} \item{SoN}{see isPeak().} \item{span}{see isPeak().} \item{sm.span}{see isPeak().} \item{zerothrsh}{ignore peaks whose intensity values are below zerothrsh.} \item{area.w}{see isPeak().} \item{ratio}{see isPeak().} } \details{ For given threshold criteria, detect peaks and write the following columns of information into 'peakinfofile', spectrum name (Spectrum.Tag), spectrum sequential number (Spectrum.), peak sequential number within a spectrum (Peak.), relative intensity (Intensity) and the m/z value where the relative intensity occurs (Substance.Mass). } \author{Xiaochun Li} \seealso{\code{\link{rmBaseline}}} \examples{ example(renorm) peakfile <- paste(tempdir(),"testpeakinfo.csv", sep="/") getPeaks(rtM, peakfile) } \keyword{nonparametric}