\name{bslnoff} \alias{bslnoff} \title{Baseline Substraction} \description{ This function estimates the baseline and then removes baseline from the raw spectrum. } \usage{ bslnoff(f, breaks = 200, qntl = 0, method = c("loess", "approx"), bw = 0.005, plot = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{f}{a matrix with M/Z values in the first column and intensities in the second column } \item{breaks}{number of breaks set to M/Z values for finding the local minima or points below a centain quantile of intensities; breaks -1 equally spaced intervals on the log M/Z scale. } \item{qntl}{if 0, find local minima; if >0 find intensities < qntl*100th quantile locally.} \item{method}{"loess" or "approx" (linear interpolation).} \item{bw}{the bandwidth to be passed to loess.} \item{plot}{TRUE or FALSE, if true, it will plot the raw spectrum, theestimated baseline and the baseline substracted spectrum.} \item{\dots}{Further parameters that get passed on to plot.} } \value{ a matrix of two columns: the first column being the M/Z values same as the input, and the second column being the baseline substracted spectra. } \author{Xiaochun Li} \examples{ fdat <- system.file("Test", package = "PROcess") fs <- list.files(fdat, pattern="\\.*csv\\.*", full.names=TRUE) f1 <- read.files(fs[1]) fcut <- f1[f1[,1]>0,] bseoff <-bslnoff(fcut,method="loess",plot=TRUE, bw=0.1) title(basename(fs[1])) } \keyword{nonparametric}