\name{align} \alias{align} \title{Align peaks for a specified precision.} \description{ A vector of peaks are expanded to a collection of intervals, 'eps' * m/z of the peak to the left and right of the peak position. They are then aligned using the method of intersection graphs by Gentleman and Vandal. } \usage{ align(pVec, eps = 0.003) } \arguments{ \item{pVec}{A vector of peaks.} \item{eps}{A user specified precision of peak position.} } \value{ A vector of aligned peaks. } \references{R. Gentleman and A. C. Vandal, Computational Algorithms for Censored-Data Problems Using Intersection Graphs. (2001), J. Comput. Graphic Statist., vol. 10, p403--421. } \keyword{manip}