\name{writeGmt} \alias{writeGmt} \title{ writeGmt } \description{ This function writes out SMC objects into .gmt file format } \usage{ writeGmt(fname, cl) } \arguments{ \item{fname}{ name of the file to be written out } \item{cl}{ list of SMC objects } } \details{ The .gmt file format is a tab delimited file format used to store gene lists. These gene lists are stored row by row. The first column is the gene set name. The second column is a brief description, and every entry after that is a gene within that gene set. } \references{ \url{http://www.broad.mit.edu/gsea/doc/data_formats.html#gmt }} \author{ Kyle Furge and Karl Dykema } \seealso{ \code{\link{readGmt}} } \examples{ datadir <- system.file("data", package = "PGSEA") sample <- readGmt(file.path(datadir, "sample.gmt")) str(sample) \dontrun{ writeGmt(paste(datadir,"/output.gmt",sep=""),sample) } } \keyword{ data }