\name{scanSmc} \alias{scanSmc} \title{ Scan through smc objects} \description{ This function scans through smc objects and returns those with specified attributes. } \usage{ scanSmc(smcList, scanSlot = "private", scanFor = "no") } \arguments{ \item{smcList}{ list of "smc" objects } \item{scanSlot}{ character - which smc slot to investigate } \item{scanFor}{ character - what character string to look for } } \value{ a list of "smc" objects with the desired attribute } \author{ Karl Dykema } \examples{ datadir <- system.file("data", package = "PGSEA") sample <- readGmt(file.path(datadir, "sample.gmt")) sample[1:2] <- editSmc(sample[1:2],"creator","Joe Smith") scanned <- scanSmc(sample,"creator","Joe Smith") str(scanned) } \keyword{ manip }