\name{getFDgene} \alias{getFDgene} \title{Get fitness defect genes} \description{ Function to select genes that present a significant growth defect according to the condition(media) or generation time. } \usage{ getFDgene(data,condition,cutoff,mode="generation",subset) } \arguments{ \item{data}{List of fitness defect scores for genes tested at different experimental conditions.} \item{condition}{Dataframe of experimental conditions} \item{cutoff}{Numerical vector of length one or more, defining the threshold of 'significance' for the fitness defect score} \item{mode}{Character string defining the base of the selection either 'condition' (media) or 'generation' time, Default=generation.} \item{subset}{Numerical vector or list to which apply the different cutoffs.} } \value{ Reduced list of gene fitness scores per experimental condition according to the experimental condition or the generation time. } \author{N. LeMeur} \references{ Giaever G. et al. (2002) Functional profiling of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. Nature. 418(6896):387-91. PMID: 12140549 } \examples{ data(GiaeverPheno) data(GiaeverExpCdt) ##Select all the genes, in the different experimental conditions, that present a fitness score above 20, 100 and 100 at 5, 15 and 20 generations, respectively fitnessGen <- getFDgene(GiaeverPheno,condition=GiaeverExpCdt,cutoff=c(20,100,100),mode="generation",subset=c(5,15,20)) ##Select all the genes, that present a fitness score above 15 and 100 ##in the condition set A and B respectively, independently of the generation time fitnessCondt <- getFDgene(GiaeverPheno,condition=GiaeverExpCdt,cutoff=c(100,15),mode="condition",subset=list(a=c(1:23,27,30,31),b=c(24:26,28,29))) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}