\name{densityEstimate} \alias{densityEstimate} \title{Observed versus Expected Ratios} \description{ Function to calculate the ratio of genes that characterize a phenotype (observed) among the genes that characterize a biological complex versus the ratio of a set of randomly sampled genes (expected) among the genes that characterize a biological complex. } \usage{ densityEstimate(genename,interactome,perm) } \arguments{ \item{genename}{Character vector of the gene names that characterize a specific phenotype.} \item{interactome}{Contingency matrix of genes (rows) and biological complexes (columns) (see package \emph{ScISI}) } \item{perm}{Numeric vector indicating the number of simulations to run to compute the expected ratios.} } \value{ List of observed and simulated ratios. } \author{N. LeMeur} \examples{ data(ScISI) data(essglist) essential <- names(essglist) ScISI <- as.matrix(ScISI) ratio<- densityEstimate(genename=essential,interactome=ScISI,perm=50) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}