\name{categoryToEntrezBuilder} \alias{categoryToEntrezBuilder} \alias{categoryToEntrezBuilder,CoHyperGParams-method} \title{Return a list mapping multi-protein complexes IDs to YEAST ids} \description{ Return a list mapping multi-protein complexes (category) IDs to the YEAST ids annotated at the category id. } \usage{ \S4method{categoryToEntrezBuilder}{CoHyperGParams}(p) } \arguments{ \item{p}{A subclass of \code{HyperGParams-class}} } \details{ End users \bold{should not} call this directly. This method gets called from \code{hyperGTest}. To add support for a new category, a new method for this generic must be defined. Its signature should match a subclass of \code{HyperGParams-class} appropriate for the new category. } \value{ A list mapping category IDs to YEAST identifiers. } \author{S. Falcon and N. LeMeur} \seealso{ \code{\link[Category]{hyperGTest}} \code{\link{CoHyperGParams-class}} } \examples{ data(ScISIC) data(essglist) essential <- names(essglist) params <- new("CoHyperGParams", geneIds=essential, universeGeneIds=rownames(ScISIC), annotation="org.Sc.sgd.db", categoryName="ScISIC", pvalueCutoff=0.01, testDirection="over") categoryToEntrezBuilder(params)[1:2] } \keyword{manip}