\name{KEGG2SCISI} \alias{KEGG2SCISI} \title{Mapping between KEGG and ScISI} \description{ Count the number of genes shared between a KEGG pathway and a protein complex from the ScISI interactome. } \usage{ KEGG2SCISI(pw, pc, pcMat, pwMat) } \arguments{ \item{pw}{list of pathway names} \item{pc}{list of complex names} \item{pwMat}{pathway incidence matrix} \item{pcMat}{complex incidence matrix} } \value{ matrix } \author{N. LeMeur} \seealso{ \emph{ScISI} \emph{KEGG} } \examples{ data(ScISIC) ## Mapping from Yeast genes to KEGG pathways. KeggMat <- PWAmat("org.Sc.sgd") KEGG2SCISI(pw = colnames(KeggMat)[1:5], pc = colnames(ScISIC)[1:5], pwMat = KeggMat, pcMat =ScISIC) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}