\name{HI} \alias{HI} \docType{data} \title{Data from Deutshbauer et al. (2005)} \description{ Mechanisms of Haploinsufficiency revealed by Genome-Wide Profiling in Yeast (Deutshbauer et al.,2005) } \usage{data(HI)} \details{ HI stands for haploinsufficient. The dataframe is composed of: \item{orf}{Yeast ORF, systematic name} \item{gene}{Yeast common gene name of the corresponding ORF} \item{go}{GO terms} } \source{ \url{http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/data/303/5659/808/DC1/1} } \references{ Deutschbauer AM, Jaramillo DF, Proctor M, Kumm J, Hillenmeyer ME, Davis RW, Nislow C, Giaever G. (2005) Mechanisms of haploinsufficiency revealed by genome-wide profiling in yeast. Genetics. 169(4):1915-25. } \examples{ data(HI) } \keyword{datasets}