\name{GiaeverPheno} \alias{GiaeverPheno} \alias{GiaeverGene} \alias{GiaeverExpCdt} \alias{Giaeverresult} \docType{data} \title{List of fitness defect score generated from Giaever et al 2002} \description{ Giaever et al (2002) create a collection of gene-deletion mutants to determine genes that contribute to a particular phenotype in specific environmental conditions. This list is generated from a fitness analysis under six different experimental conditions. } \usage{ data(GiaeverPheno) data(GiaeverGene) data(GiaeverExpCdt) } \format{ \code{GiaeverPheno} is a list with 31 elements. The name of each element is a experimental condition (see details). The value of each element are the fitness defect scores for the genes sensitive to the experimental condition, as defined by Giaever et al (2002). \code{GiaeverGene} Vector of the systematic gene names of the 5898 tested genes. Note that some updates have been made for the list to be consistent with \emph{Saccharomyces Genome Database}. \code{GiaeverExpCdt} is a 3 columns dataframe with fileID from which the data were extracted, the generation time (growth time) and the condition (media). \describe{ \item{gen.}{generations} \item{rep.}{replicate} \item{ypg5a,ypg5b}{yeast/peptone/galactose 5 gen. rep. a and b ==> carbone source} \item{ypg15a ypg15b}{yeast/peptone/galactose 15 gen. rep. a and b ==> carbone source} \item{sorbitol5a sorbitol5b}{1.5M Sorbitol 5 gen. rep. a and b ==> sugar, osmotic stress} \item{sorbitol20a sorbitol15b}{1.5M Sorbitol 20 and 15 gen. rep. a and b respectively==> sugar, osmotic stress} \item{NaCl5a NaCl5b}{1M NaCl 5 gen. rep. a and b ==> salt, osmotic stress} \item{NaCl15a NaCl15b}{1M NaCl 15 gen. rep. a and b ==> salt, osmotic stress} \item{lysM5a lysM5b}{lysine minus 5 gen. rep. a and b ==> lack of required AA} \item{thM5a}{threonine minus 5 gen. rep. a ==> lack of required AA} \item{trpM5a trpM5b}{tritophanee minus 5 gen. rep. a ==> lack of required AA} \item{minimalPlus5a minimalPlus5b}{minimal + histidine/leuvine/uracile 5 gen. rep. a and b} \item{minimalPlus15a minimalPlus15b}{minimal + histidine/leuvine/uracile 15 gen. rep. a and b} \item{minimalC5a minimalC5b}{minimal complete 5 gen. rep. a and b} \item{nystatin5a nystatin5b}{Nystatin 5 gen. rep. a and b ==> antifungal drug} \item{nystatin15a nystatin15b}{Nystatin 5 gen. rep. a and b ==> antifungal drug} \item{pH8g5a pH8g5b}{pH 8 5 gen. rep. a and b ==> alkali stress} \item{pH8g15a pH8g20b}{pH 8 15 and 20 gen. rep. a and b respectively ==> alkali stress} } Note: in their study they confound the 15 and 20 generations. \code{Giaeverresult} is a data.frame that summaryzes the number of sensitive genes per condition, how many of those genes are present in the ScISI interactome and the associated p-value. This is the result of applying a Hypergeometric test (see \code{CoHyperGParams-class} for more details) and the \code{complexStatus} function. } \source{ Giaever et al (2002), supplementary information: \url{http://genomics.lbl.gov/YeastFitnessData/websitefiles/cel_index.html} Saccharomyces Genome Database (last update 03/17/06): \url{http://www.yeastgenome.org/} } \references{ Giaever G et al (2002) Functional profiling of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. Nature. 418(6896):387-91. PMID: 12140549 } \author{N. LeMeur} \examples{ data(GiaeverPheno) data(GiaeverExpCdt) data(GiaeverGene) } \keyword{datasets}