\name{check.test.args} \alias{check.test.args} \alias{test.fc} \alias{test.t} \alias{test.z} \title{Helper Function to Compute Test Statistics} \description{ These function compute test statistics for all rows in a matrix. } \usage{ test.fc(m, cl, paired) test.t(m, cl, paired) test.z(m, cl, paired) check.test.args(m, cl, paired) } \arguments{ \item{m}{the matrix of numeric values. For each row of the matrix, one test statistic is computed.} \item{cl}{a vector of class labels. \code{cl} must have as many elements as there are columns in \code{m}.} \item{paired}{logical, is \code{TRUE}, if the data in the two classes are paired.} } \details{ \code{check.test.arg} is used by the other methods to check their arguments. \code{test.t} and \code{test.z} interface with the C-code contained in the twilight package in order to speed-up the computation. } \value{ An array of the corresponding test statistic containing one element per row of the input matrix. } \author{Claudio Lottaz} \seealso{\code{\link[twilight]{twilight.teststat}}} \keyword{internal}