\name{mxy2.plot} \alias{mxy2.plot} \title{Generation of MXY plots based on spot coordinates} \description{This function produce a MXY plot with a colour bar. In contrast to \code{mxy.plot}, the plot is based on spot coordinates (instead on column and row index as proxies for spot location). } \usage{mxy2.plot(V,X,Y,Ngc,Ngr,Nsc,Nsr,color.lim=c(-1,1),xlab="X",ylab="Y",...) } \arguments{\item{V}{vector of real values typically logged ratios \emph{M}. } \item{X}{vector of x coordinates of spot locations} \item{Y}{vector of y coordinates of spot locations} \item{Ngc}{number of columns for the grid matrix} \item{Ngr}{number of rows for the grid matrix} \item{Nsc}{number of columns for the spot matrix} \item{Nsr}{number of rows for the spot matrix} \item{color.lim}{limits of color range for MXY plot} \item{xlab}{label of x-axis of MXY plot} \item{ylab}{label of y-axis of MXY plot} \item{...}{Further optional graphical parameter for the \code{image} function generating the MXY plot} } \details{The function \code{mxy2.plot} can be used to plot the distribution of \code{V} across the array. As \code{mxy.plot}, it mainly aims for the plotting of the distribution of logged fold changes. It differs from \code{mxy.plot} in the representation of spot location. The function \code{mxy.plot} uses the index of columns and rows as proxies for the spot location. The gaps between the grid matrices (spotted by different pins) are, therefore, not reproduced in the plot. A more accurate spatial plot is produced by \code{mxy2.plot}, which is based on the coordinates of the first column and first raw of the array. Assuming a regular rectangular print layout, gaps and the edges of the array are shown.} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link{mxy.plot}}, \code{\link{v2m}}, \code{\link{m2v}}, \code{\link{fgbg.visu}}, \code{\link{image}}} \examples{ # LOADING DATA data(sw) data(sw.xy) # PLOTTING mxy2.plot(maM(sw)[,1],X=sw.xy$X[,1],Y=sw.xy$Y[,1], Ngc=maNgc(sw),Ngr=maNgr(sw), Nsc=maNsc(sw),Nsr=maNsr(sw)) } \keyword{hplot}