\name{backgroundCorrect2} \alias{backgroundCorrect2} \title{Background correction} \description{Background correction based on \code{\link[limma]{backgroundCorrect}} of the \code{limma} package.} \usage{backgroundCorrect2(object,method="subtract", offset=0)} \arguments{\item{object}{object of class \code{\link[marray]{marrayRaw}}} \item{method}{method for background correction: \dQuote{none}, \dQuote{subtract}, \dQuote{half}, \dQuote{minimum}, \dQuote{movingmin}, \dQuote{edwards} or \dQuote{normexp}. } \item{offset} {numeric value to add to intensities} } \details{This function is a wrapper function for \code{\link[limma]{backgroundCorrect}} with following methods implemented: \itemize{ \item \dQuote{none}: no background correction \item \dQuote{subtract}: simple subtraction of background intensities \item \dQuote{movingmin}: background intensities are first averaged over 3x3 grids of neighbouring spots and subsequently substracted \item \dQuote{minimum}: zero or negative intensities after background correction are set equal to half the minimum of positive corrected intensities \item \dQuote{edwards}: background correction based on log-linear interpolation \item \dQuote{normexp}: background correction based on fitting procedure } For further details and references, please refer to its help page. An alternative Bayesian model for background correction (\code{\link[limma]{kooperberg}}) is also implemented in the \code{limma} package. } \value{Background correct object of class \code{marrayRaw}.} \author{Matthias Futschik} \seealso{\code{\link[limma]{backgroundCorrect}},\code{\link[limma]{kooperberg}}} \examples{ # Loading data data(sw) #No background correction sw.none <- backgroundCorrect2(sw,method="none") plot(maA(sw.none)[,1],maM(sw.none)[,1]) # Simple subtraction sw.sub <- backgroundCorrect2(sw,method="sub") points(maA(sw.sub)[,1],maM(sw.sub)[,1],col="red") } \keyword{utilities}