\name{anovaplate} \alias{anovaplate} \title{One-factorial ANOVA assessing pin-dependent bias.} \description{This function performs an one-factorial analysis of variance assessing microtiter plate-dependent bias for a single array} \usage{anovaplate(obj,index)} \arguments{\item{obj}{object of class \dQuote{marrayRaw} or \dQuote{marrayNorm}} \item{index}{index of array to be tested } } \details{The function \code{anovapin} performs a one-factorial ANOVA for objects of class \dQuote{marrayRaw} or \dQuote{marrayNorm}. The predictor variable is the corresponding plate index as stored in the \code{maPlate} slot of \code{obj}; the response variable is the logged fold-change \code{M=(log2(Ch2)-log2(Ch1))}. The null hypothesis is equal \code{mean(M)} of groups of spots derived from the same microtiter plate i.e. a spot's M does not dependent on the plate of origin. The model formula used is \eqn{M \sim (plate.index - 1)}{M ~ (plate.index - 1)} (without an intercept term). } \value{The return value is a list of summary statistics of the fitted model as produced by \code{summary.lm}. For example, the squared multiple correlation coefficient \eqn{R^{2}}{R-square} equals the proportion of the variation of \code{M} that can be explained by the variation of plate index (based on the chosen ANOVA model.) } \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link{anova}}, \code{\link{summary.lm}}} \examples{ # CHECK RAW DATA FOR INTENSITY-DEPENDENT BIAS data(sw) print(anovapin(sw,index=1)) # CHECK DATA NORMALISED BY OLIN FOR INTENSITY-DEPENDENT BIAS data(sw.olin) print(anovapin(sw.olin,index=1)) } \keyword{models} \keyword{regression}