\name{summary.fdr.result} \alias{summary.fdr.result} \alias{p0} \alias{topDE} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Display functions for local fdr output} \description{ Display functions for output from \code{fdr1d} and \code{fdr2d}, summarizing the output, displaying the proportion of non-differentially expressed genes and extracting the list of top-regulated genes. } \usage{ summary.fdr.result(object, ...) p0(x, how = FALSE) topDE(x, co = 0.1) } \arguments{ \item{x, object}{an object of class \code{fdr.result} created by \code{fdr1d} or \code{fdr2d}.} \item{how}{a logical value indicating whether to return only the numerical value of the proportion of non-differentially expressed genes, or a list whose second element indicates whether the proportion was estimated from the data or supplied by the user.} \item{...}{extra arguments, currently unused} \item{co}{cutoff for either FDR or fdr} } \value{ For \code{summary.fdr.result}, a list with the summary items. For \code{p0}, either a numerical value or a list with two elements, depending on the value of parameter \code{how}. For \code{topDE}, the genes that have FDR (\code{EOC}) or fdr (\code{fdr1d}, \code{fdr2d}) less or equal than \code{co}, sorted by FDR or fdr respectively. } \author{A. Ploner} \seealso{\code{\link{fdr1d}}, \code{\link{fdr2d}}, \code{\link{EOC}}} \examples{ # Create object res1d example(fdr1d) summary(res1d) p0(res1d) p0(res1d, how=TRUE) topDE(res1d) } \keyword{print}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{utilities}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS