\name{smooth1d} \alias{smooth1d} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Smoothing a vector of counts} \description{ This function takes a vector of counts and uses a mixed model approach to smooth it. A common use of this is smoothing binned counts of an observed quantity prior to estimating its density nonparametrically through the relative frequencies. } \usage{ smooth1d(y, sv2 = 0.1, err = 0.01, verb = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{y}{the vector of counts} \item{sv2}{the user-specified starting value for the variance of the random effects, see Details.} \item{err}{Tolerance for convergence, see Details} \item{verb}{logical value indicating whether to print diagnostics.} } \details{ The smoothing assumes that the counts are Poisson from a generalized linear mixed model, where the second differences are normally distributed. Using the extended likelihood approach described in Pawitan (2001) and the initial estimate \code{sv2} for the variance of the random effects, the routine iteratetively optimizes the fixed and random contributions to the extended likelihood, until the estimate for the variance convergences with tolerance \code{err}. The result is quite stable within a reasonable range of starting values and tolerances, and the function can be used for fairly automatic smoothing ((i.e. withou fixing a bandwidth parameter). } \value{ A list with three components: \item{fit}{the smoothed counts} \item{df}{the degrees of freedom used for smoothing at convergence} \item{sv2}{the estimated variance at convergence, equivalent to \code{df}.} } \references{ Pawitan Y.(2001) \emph{In All Likelihood}, Oxford University Press, ch. 18.11 } \author{Y. Pawitan and A. Ploner} \seealso{\code{\link{fdr1d}}} \examples{ # Stupid dummies, obviously smooth1d(1:10) smooth1d(1:10, sv2=1) } \keyword{smooth}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS