\name{plot.fdr1d.result} \alias{plot.fdr1d.result} \title{Plot univariate local false discovery output} \description{ A plotting function for \code{fdr1d}. } \usage{ plot.fdr1d.result(x, add = FALSE, grid = FALSE, rug = TRUE, xlab = "t-Statistic", ylab = "fdr", lcol = "black", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{output from \code{fdr1d}} \item{add}{logical value indicating whether to create a new plot or add to an existing one} \item{grid}{logical value indicating whether to show the intervals used for calculating the fdr.} \item{rug}{logical value indicating whether to add a 1D scatterplot showing the observed test statistics} \item{xlab, ylab}{the usual axis labels} \item{lcol}{the color of the lines} \item{\dots}{extra options passed to \code{plot.default}.} } \author{A Ploner} \seealso{\code{\link{fdr1d}}} \examples{ example(fdr1d) plot(res1d, grid=TRUE, rug=FALSE) } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS \keyword{aplot}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line