\name{intcorDens} \alias{intcorDens} \title{plot of density functions of integrative correlations} \description{Given a mergeExpressionSet, this function calculates and plots the density function of the approximate integrative correlations, as well as densities for the "null distributions" obtained by randomly permuting sample IDs.} \usage{ intcorDens(x,method,...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object of class mergeExpressionSet.} \item{method}{The available method to use is "pearson".} \item{...}{Graphical parameters to be passed to plot.} } \value{The value is null. Returns a plot.} \details{Here we use the approximate method to calculate the integrative correlation. } \seealso{\code{\link{mergeExpressionSet-class}},\code{\link{intCor}},\code{\link{modelOutcome}}} \examples{ if(require(Biobase) & require(MASS)){ data(mergeData) merged <-mergeExprs(sample1,sample2,sample3) intcorDens(merged) intcorDens(merged,cex.legend=1.5) intcorDens(merged,lty=2) } } \keyword{hplot}