\name{gEventFun-class} \docType{class} \alias{gEventFun-class} \alias{gEventFun} \alias{callFun<-,gEventFun-method} \alias{callFun,gEventFun-method} \alias{callFun} \alias{callFun<-} \alias{preprocessFun<-,gEventFun-method} \alias{preprocessFun,gEventFun-method} \alias{preprocessFun} \alias{preprocessFun<-} \alias{shortName<-,gEventFun-method} \alias{shortName,gEventFun-method} \alias{shortName} \alias{shortName<-} \title{A class to link a callback function with an event} \description{ The gEventFun class creates an object which contains all the needed information to link a callback function to an event. The gEventFun object will hold all of the callback function information, including the callback function, a short description of what the callback function does, and a list of all preprocessing functions that must be called. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("gEventFun", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{callFun}:}{the callback function} \item{\code{shortName}:}{a short description of what the callback function does} \item{\code{preprocessFun}:}{a list of preprocessing functions that must be called before the callback function (this can be NULL)} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{callFun<-}{Sets the \code{callFun} slot } \item{callFun}{Returns the \code{callFun} slot } \item{preprocessFun<-}{Sets the \code{preprocessFun} slot } \item{preprocessFun}{Returns the \code{preprocessFun} slot } \item{shortName<-}{Sets the \code{shortName} slot } \item{shortName}{Returns the \code{preprocessFun} slot } } } \author{ Elizabeth Whalen } \examples{ } \keyword{classes}