\name{planarPlot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{planarPlot} \alias{planarPlot-methods} \alias{planarPlot,classifierOutput,ExpressionSet,character-method} \alias{planarPlot,classifierOutput,data.frame,character-method} \title{ Methods for Function planarPlot in Package `MLInterfaces' } \description{ show the classification boundaries on the plane dictated by two genes in an ExpressionSet } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{clo = "classifierOutput", eset = "ExpressionSet", classifLab = "character"}{ uses two genes in the ExpressionSet to exhibit the decision boundaries in the plane} \item{clo = "classifierOutput", eset = "data.frame", classifLab = "character"}{ uses two columns in the data.frame to exhibit the decision boundaries in the plane} } } \examples{ library(ALL) data(ALL) # # restrict to BCR/ABL or NEG # bio <- which( ALL$mol.biol \%in\% c("BCR/ABL", "NEG")) # # restrict to B-cell # isb <- grep("^B", as.character(ALL$BT)) kp <- intersect(bio,isb) all2 <- ALL[,kp] # # sample 2 genes at random # set.seed(1234) ng <- nrow(exprs(all2)) pick <- sample(1:ng, size=2, replace=FALSE) library(hgu95av2.db) gg <- all2[pick,] sym <- unlist(mget(featureNames(gg), hgu95av2SYMBOL)) featureNames(gg) <- sym gg$class = factor(ifelse(all2$mol.biol=="NEG", "NEG", "POS")) cl1 <- which( gg$class == "NEG" ) cl2 <- which( gg$class != "NEG" ) # # create balanced training sample # trainInds <- c( sample(cl1, size=floor(length(cl1)/2) ), sample(cl2, size=floor(length(cl2)/2)) ) # # run rpart # tgg <- MLearn(class~., gg, rpartI, trainInds, minsplit=4 ) opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) planarPlot( tgg, gg, "class" ) title("rpart") points(exprs(gg)[1,trainInds], exprs(gg)[2,trainInds], col=ifelse(gg$class[trainInds]=="NEG", "yellow", "black"), pch=16) # # run nnet # ngg <- MLearn( class~., gg, nnetI, trainInds, size=8 ) planarPlot( ngg, gg, "class" ) points(exprs(gg)[1,trainInds], exprs(gg)[2,trainInds], col=ifelse(gg$class[trainInds]=="NEG", "yellow", "black"), pch=16) title("nnet") # # run knn # kgg <- MLearn( class~., gg, knnI(k=3,l=1), trainInds) planarPlot( kgg, gg, "class" ) points(exprs(gg)[1,trainInds], exprs(gg)[2,trainInds], col=ifelse(gg$class[trainInds]=="NEG", "yellow", "black"), pch=16) title("3-nn") # # run svm # sgg <- MLearn( class~., gg, svmI, trainInds ) planarPlot( sgg, gg, "class" ) points(exprs(gg)[1,trainInds], exprs(gg)[2,trainInds], col=ifelse(gg$class[trainInds]=="NEG", "yellow", "black"), pch=16) title("svm") par(opar) } \keyword{methods}