\name{RAB} \alias{RAB} \alias{RAB4es} \alias{DAB} \alias{Predict} \alias{tonp} \alias{mkfmla} \alias{Predict,raboostCont-method} \alias{Predict,daboostCont-method} \title{real adaboost (Friedman et al) } \description{ read adaboost ... a demonstration version } \usage{ RAB(formula, data, maxiter=200, maxdepth=1) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{ formula -- the response variable must be coded -1, 1} \item{data}{ data} \item{maxiter}{ maxiter} \item{maxdepth}{ maxdepth -- passed to rpart} } %\details{ %} \value{ an instance of raboostCont } \references{Friedman et al Ann Stat 28/2 337 } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ library(MASS) data(Pima.tr) data(Pima.te) Pima.all = rbind(Pima.tr, Pima.te) tonp = ifelse(Pima.all$type == "Yes", 1, -1) tonp = factor(tonp) Pima.all = data.frame(Pima.all[,1:7], mtype=tonp) fit1 = RAB(mtype~ped+glu+npreg+bmi+age, data=Pima.all[1:200,], maxiter=10, maxdepth=5) pfit1 = Predict(fit1, newdata=Pima.tr) table(Pima.tr$type, pfit1) } \keyword{ models }