\name{smooth} \alias{smooth} \title{ Determining weighted MeDIP data } \description{ MeDIP data from tiling arrays are smoothed by determining for each probe i the weighted average of the probes within a window of size wsize centered at i } \usage{ smooth(data, wsize=1000, wFunction='linear') } \arguments{ \item{data}{An object of class MEDMEset} \item{wsize}{ number; the size of the smoothing window, in bp } \item{wFunction}{string; the type of weighting function, to choose among linear, exp, log or none } } \details{The un-smoothed data are read from the slot logR of the data MEDMEset and the resulting smoothed data are saved on the smoothed slot.} \value{ An object of class MEDMEset. In particular, the smoothed data are saved on the smoothed slot. } \examples{ data(testMEDMEset) # just an example with the first 1000 probes testMEDMEset = smooth(data = testMEDMEset[1:1000,]) }