\name{flags} \docType{data} \alias{amplicon.flag} \alias{chromosome.flag} \alias{control.flag} \alias{flags} \alias{global.spatial.flag} \alias{local.spatial.flag} \alias{spatial.flag} \alias{position.flag} \alias{rep.flag} \alias{replicate.flag} \alias{SNR.flag} \alias{ref.snr.flag} \alias{dapi.snr.flag} \alias{spot.flag} \alias{unique.flag} \alias{val.mark.flag} \alias{intensity.flag} \title{Examples of flag objects to apply to CGH arrays} \description{ This data set provides \code{\link{flag}} objects that can be applied to \code{arrayCGH} objects in order to normalize them. } \usage{data(flags)} \format{These \code{flag} objects typically take part to a normalization process: \tabular{lll}{ \tab \code{amplicon.flag} \tab flags spots with high log-ratios (temp flag) \cr \tab \code{chromosome.flag} \tab flags spots located on sexual chromosomes (named "X" and "Y") \cr \tab \code{control.flag} \tab flag control spots \cr \tab \code{global.spatial.flag} \tab corrects arrayCGH from global spatial trend on the array\cr \tab \code{local.spatial.flag} \tab flags spots belonging to local spatial bias zones on the array \cr \tab \code{num.chromosome.flag} \tab flags spots located on sexual chromosomes (named 23 and 24)\cr \tab \code{position.flag} \tab flag spots with no available genome position \cr \tab \code{replicate.flag} \tab flag spots with poor within-clone-replicate consitency \cr \tab \code{ref.snr.flag} \tab flags spots with low signal to noise ratio for reference \cr \tab \code{dapi.snr.flag} \tab flags spots with low signal to noise ratio for DAPI \cr \tab \code{SNR.flag} \tab flags spots with low signal to noise ratio \cr \tab \code{spot.corr.flag} \tab flags spots with low correlation coefficient after image analysis \cr \tab \code{spot.flag} \tab flags spots excluded by the image analysis software \cr \tab \code{unique.flag} \tab exclude last non-flagged spot of a clone \cr \tab \code{val.mark.flag} \tab flags spots corresponding to bad quality clones \cr \tab \code{intensity.flag} \tab corrects for an intensity effect (using loess regression) \cr } } \source{Institut Curie, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \author{Pierre Neuvial, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \keyword{datasets} \examples{ data(flags) ### complete normalization of an arrayCGH object (with spatial gradient): ## Initialize flag$args flag.list1 <- list(local.spatial=local.spatial.flag, global.spatial=global.spatial.flag, spot=spot.flag, SNR=SNR.flag, val.mark=val.mark.flag, unique=unique.flag, amplicon=amplicon.flag, chromosome=chromosome.flag, replicate=replicate.flag) data(spatial) \dontrun{gradient.norm <- norm.arrayCGH(gradient, flag.list=flag.list1, var="LogRatio", FUN=median, na.rm=TRUE)} print(gradient.norm$flags) ## spot-level flag summary (computed by flag.summary) ### complete normalization of an arrayCGH object (with local spatial bias): ## Initialize flag$args flag.list2 <- list(spatial=local.spatial.flag, spot=spot.corr.flag, ref.snr=ref.snr.flag, dapi.snr=dapi.snr.flag, rep=rep.flag, unique=unique.flag) flag.list2$spatial$args <- alist(var="ScaledLogRatio", by.var=NULL, nk=5, prop=0.25, thr=0.15, beta=1, family="symmetric") flag.list2$spot$args <- alist(var="SpotFlag") flag.list2$spot$char <- "O" flag.list2$spot$label <- "Image analysis" \dontrun{edge.norm <- norm.arrayCGH(edge, flag.list=flag.list2, var="LogRatio", FUN=median, na.rm=TRUE)} print(edge.norm$flags) ## spot-level flag summary (computed by flag.summary) } \seealso{\code{\link{spatial}}, \code{\link{norm.arrayCGH}}, \code{\link{flag}}, \code{\link{flag.summary}}}