\name{flag.arrayCGH} \alias{flag.arrayCGH} \title{Apply a flag to an arrayCGH} \description{ Function \code{flag$FUN} is applied to a \code{flag} object for normalization } \details{ Optional arguments in \code{flag$args} are passed to \code{flag$FUN} } \value{ An object of class \code{arrayCGH}, which corresponds to the return value of \code{flag$FUN} if \code{flag$char} is null, and to the input \code{arrayCGH} object with spots given by \code{flag$FUN} flagged with \code{flag$char} } \usage{flag.arrayCGH(flag, arrayCGH) } \arguments{ \item{flag}{an object of type 'flag'} \item{arrayCGH}{an object of type \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}}} } \author{Pierre Neuvial, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \examples{ data(spatial) data(flags) gradient$arrayValues$LogRatioNorm <- gradient$arrayValues$LogRatio ## flag spots with no available position on the genome gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(position.flag, gradient) ## flag spots corresponding to low poor quality clones gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(val.mark.flag, gradient) ## flag spots excluded by Genepix pro gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(spot.flag, gradient) ## flag local spatial bias zones \dontrun{gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(local.spatial.flag, gradient)} ## correct global spatial bias gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(global.spatial.flag, gradient) ## flag spots with low signal to noise gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(SNR.flag, gradient) ## flag spots with extremely high log-ratios gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(amplicon.flag, gradient) ## flag spots with poor within replicate consistency gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(replicate.flag, gradient) ## flag spots corresponding to clones for which all other spot ## replicates have already been flagged gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(unique.flag, gradient) summary.factor(gradient$arrayValues$Flag) } \keyword{} \seealso{\code{\link{flag}}, \code{\link{norm.arrayCGH}}}