\encoding{latin1} \name{arrayTrend} \alias{arrayTrend} \alias{arrayTrend.default} \alias{arrayTrend.arrayCGH} \title{Spatial trend of microarray spots statistic} \description{ The function \code{arrayTrend} computes the spatial trend. } \usage{ \method{arrayTrend}{default}(Statistic, Col, Row, \ldots) \method{arrayTrend}{arrayCGH}(arrayCGH, variable, \ldots) } \arguments{ \item{Statistic}{Statistic to be smoothed.} \item{Col}{Vector of columns coordinates.} \item{Row}{Vector of rows coordinates.} \item{arrayCGH}{Object of class \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}}.} \item{variable}{Variable to be smooth.} \item{...}{Parameters to be passed to \code{\link[modreg]{loess}} function.} } \details{Spatial trend of microarray spots statistic.} \value{ Either a data frame with elements : \item{Trend} {Trend fitted by \link[modreg]{\code{loess}} function.} \item{Col} \item{Row} or the element \code{Trend} is added to the data.frame \code{arrayValues} of the \code{arrayCGH} object. } \author{Philippe Hupé, \email{Philippe.Hupe@curie.fr}.} \note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \seealso{\code{\link[modreg]{loess}}, \code{\link[modreg]{loess.control}}.} \keyword{} \examples{ data(spatial) ## arrays with local spatial effects edgeTrend <- arrayTrend(edge, "LogRatio", span=0.03, degree=1, iterations=3, family="symmetric") arrayPlot(edgeTrend, "Trend", main="Spatial trend of array CGH", bar="v") } \references{ P. Neuvial, P. Hupé, I. Brito, S. Liva, E. Manié, C. Brennetot, A. Aurias, F. Radvanyi, and E. Barillot. \emph{Spatial normalization of array-CGH data}. In preparation. }