\name{tranest} \alias{tranest} \title{Glog transformation parameter estimation function} \description{ Finds the best parameters for glog transformation. } \usage{ tranest(eS, ngenes = -1, starting = FALSE, lambda = 1000, alpha = 0, gradtol = 0.001, lowessnorm = FALSE, method=1, mult=FALSE, model=NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{eS}{Array data. must be an \code{ExpressionSet} object.} \item{ngenes}{Number of genes that is going to be used for the parameter estimation.} \item{starting}{TRUE, if the given initial parameter values are used.} \item{lambda}{Initial parameter value for lambda.} \item{alpha}{Initial parameter value for alpha.} \item{gradtol}{a positive scalar giving the tolerance at which the scaled gradient is considered close enough to zero to terminate the algorithm.} \item{lowessnorm}{TRUE, if lowess method is going to be used.} \item{method}{Determines optimization method. Default is 1, which corresponds to a Newton-type method (see \code{\link{nlm}}). Method 2 is based on the Nelder-Mead method (see \code{\link{optim}}).} \item{mult}{If true, tranest will use a vector alpha with one entry per sample. Default is false (same alpha for every sample).} \item{model}{Specifies model to be used. Default is to use all variables from eS without interactions. See details.} } \details{ The argument \code{eS} must be an \code{ExpressionSet} object from the Biobase package. If you have a data in a \code{matrix} and information about the considered factors, then you can use \code{\link{neweS}} to convert the data into an \code{ExpressionSet} object. Please see \code{\link{neweS}} in more detail. The \code{model} argument is an optional character string, constructed like the right-hand side of a formula for lm. It specifies which of the variables in the \code{ExpressionSet} will be used in the model and whether interaction terms will be included. If \code{model=NULL}, it uses all variables from the \code{ExpressionSet} without interactions. Be careful of using interaction terms with factors; this often leads to overfitting, which will yield an error. } \value{ \item{tranpar}{A list containing the best parameter for 'lambda' and 'alpha'.} } \references{ B. Durbin and D.M. Rocke, (2003) Estimation of Transformation Parameters for Microarray Data, Bioinformatics, 19, 1360-1367. \url{http://www.idav.ucdavis.edu/~dmrocke/} } \author{ David Rocke, Geun-Cheol Lee and John Tillinghast} \examples{ #library library(Biobase) library(LMGene) #data data(sample.eS) tranpar <- tranest(sample.eS, 100) tranpar tranpar <- tranest(sample.eS, mult=TRUE) tranpar } \keyword{math}