\name{rowlist} \alias{rowlist} \title{Gene name listing function} \description{ This function makes significant gene list for a specified factor, where genes are selected as significant by the given p-values and significance level. } \usage{ rowlist(genemat, effnum, apvlist, level, posterior = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{genemat}{A matrix data of array.} \item{effnum}{Factor number.} \item{apvlist}{A vector with FDR adjusted p-value.} \item{level}{Significance level.} \item{posterior}{TRUE, if adjusted p-values are to be computed with Posterior method.} } \details{ \code{genemat} is an n-by-p matrix of expression values. \code{effnum} is the column number for the effect of interest. \code{apvlist} is a matrix of p-values from pvadjust or genediff the routine returns a list of genes whose FDR p-value is less than level using either individual gene or posterior MSE's. This function returns gene names if \code{rownames(genemat)} is not \code{NULL}, or gene numbers otherwise. \cr \code{level} indicates False Discovery Rate. e.g.) level 0.05 means 5% FDR. } \value{ \item{genelist }{A vector containing gene names if \code{rownames(genemat)} is not \code{NULL}, or gene numbers otherwise.} } \references{ David M. Rocke (2004), Design and analysis of experiments with high throughput biological assay data, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 15, 703-713. \url{http://www.idav.ucdavis.edu/~dmrocke/} } \author{David Rocke and Geun-Cheol Lee} \seealso{\code{\link{LMGene}}, \code{\link{rowaov}}} \examples{ #library library(Biobase) library(LMGene) #data data(sample.mat) data(vlist) LoggedSmpd0<-neweS(lnorm(log(sample.mat)), vlist) pvlist <- genediff(LoggedSmpd0) apvlist <- pvadjust(pvlist) genelist <- rowlist(exprs(LoggedSmpd0), 2, apvlist, 0.01) genelist } \keyword{manip}