\name{search.glycans.by.name} \alias{search.glycans.by.name} \alias{search.glycans.by.mass} \alias{search.glycans.by.composition} \alias{search.glycans.by.kcam} \title{Client-side interface to obtain a list of chemical glycans} \description{ The functions provide access to KEGG LIGAND database \url{http://www.genome.jp/kegg/ligand.html}. Given a glycan name, a composition, a molecular weight, or a common sub-structure, one of the functions below can return a list of glycans identifiers from KEGG LIGAND database. } \usage{ search.glycans.by.name(name) search.glycans.by.composition(composition) search.glycans.by.mass(mass, range) search.glycans.by.kcam(kcf, program, option, offset, limit) } \arguments{ \item{name}{\code{name} a character string to indicate a glycan name} \item{composition}{\code{composition} a character string to indicate the composition of monosaccharides} \item{mass}{\code{mass} a float to indicate the mass computed from the composition, excluding those in parentheses} \item{range}{\code{range} a float to indicate the range of molecular weight when searching glycans by mass} \item{kcf}{\code{kcf} a character string to indicate the molecular structure (carbohydrate sequence) of a glycan in KCF format} \item{program}{\code{program} a character string, either "gapped" or "ungaped"} \item{option}{\code{option} a character string, either "global" or "local"} \item{offset}{\code{offset} an integer} \item{limit}{\code{limit} an integer} } \details{ \code{search.glycans.by.name} returns a list of glycans having the specified name; \code{search.glycans.by.composition} returns a list of glycans containing sugars indicated by the composition. Order of the sugars (in parenthesis with number) is insensitive; \code{search.glycans.by.mass} returns a list of glycans having the molecular weight around "mass" with some ambiguity (range); \code{search.glycans.by.subcomp} returns a list of glycans with the alignment having common sub-structure calculated by the KCaM program. You can obtain a KCF formatted structural data of matched glycans using \code{bget} with the "-f m" option to confirm the alignment. } \value{ All the functions return a character vector of glycan identifiers provided by KEGG LIGAND database } \references{\url{http://www.genome.jp/kegg/docs/keggapi_manual.html#label:105}} \author{Nianhua Li} \seealso{\code{\link{bget}}} \examples{ glycans_1 <- search.glycans.by.name("Paragloboside") glycans_2 <- search.glycans.by.composition("(Man)4 (GalNAc)1") glycans_3 <- search.glycans.by.mass(689.6, 0.1) kcf <- bget("-f k gl:G12922") glycans_4 <- search.glycans.by.kcam(kcf, "gapped", "local", 1, 5) } \keyword{manip}