\name{list.organisms} \alias{list.organisms} \alias{list.databases} \alias{list.pathways} \title{Client-side interface to obtain the names of organisms supported by KEGG databases} \description{ These functions provides an R interface to allow users to get the names/ids of organisms, databases, pathways that are available through KEGG SOAP services. } \arguments{ \item{org}{\code{org} a character string for the id used by KEGG for organisms. The organism ids are normally three-letter codes with the first letter being the first letter of the genus name and the rest being the first two letters of the species name of the scientic name of the organism of concern} } \usage{ list.organisms() list.pathways(org) list.databases() } \details{ Some queries agsinst the KEGG databases require abbreviations of organisms supported by KEGG. Although the abbreviations normally consist of three letters by truncating the first letter of the genus name and the first two letters of the species name (e. g. hsp for Homo sapiens), \code{\link{list.organisms}} obtains the abbreviations using the service provided by KEGG SOAP to make sure the abbreviations are correct and the organisms are indeed supported by KEGG databases. } \value{ \code{\link{list.organisms}} returns a named vector with names of the vector being the scientific names and the values of the vector being the abbreviations used by KEGG for the organisms supported by the databases. \code{\link{list.pathways}} returns a named vector with names of the vector being textual descriptions of KEGG pathways and the values of the vector being the ids used by KEGG to represent pathways. \code{\link{list.databases}} returns } \references{\url{http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/doc/keggapi_manual.html}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ list.organisms() } \keyword{datasets}