\name{ISDM} \alias{ISDM} \title{ Estimate the NPMLE of censored data using the ISDM method proposed in Lesperance and Kalbfleisch (19 } \description{ ISDM is a method for estimating the NPMLE of censored data. } \usage{ ISDM(A, pvec, maxiter=500, tol=1e-07, tolbis=1e-08, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{A}{ The m by n incidence, or clique, matrix. Or the n by 2 matrix containing the event intervals.} \item{pvec}{ An initial estimate of the probability vector; not required. } \item{maxiter}{Maximum number of iterations to be made. } \item{tol}{ The tolerance used to determine convergence. } \item{tolbis}{ A second tolerance used for the steps. } \item{verbose}{ Boolean, should verbose output be printed. } } \details{ Lots of complicated stuff should go here. } \value{ A list containing: \item{pf }{The estimated NPMLE of the probability vector.} \item{numiter }{The number of iterations performed.} } \references{ An Algorithm for Computing the Nonparametric MLE of a Mixing Distribution, Lesperance, Mary L. and Kalbfleisch, John D., JASA, 1992 } \author{Alain Vandal and Robert Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{VEM}}, \code{\link{EMICM}}, \code{\link{PGM}} } \examples{ data(cosmesis) csub1 <- subset(cosmesis, subset=Trt==0, select=c(L,R)) ISDM(csub1) # data(pruitt) # ISDM(pruitt) } \keyword{optimize}