\name{getSnpInfo} \alias{getSnpInfo} \alias{getSnpInfo} \alias{getSnpInfo} \title{Function to retrieve the chromosome and the position of each SNP on a given Affymetrix SNP array} \description{ This function retrieve the chromosome and position in bp of each SNP of a given Affymetrix SNP array. This function use the pd.mapping50k.xba240, pd.mapping50k.hind240, pd.mapping250k.sty and pd.mapping250k.nsp package. } \usage{ getSnpInfo(pkgname) } \arguments{ \item{pkgname}{the chip type pd.mapping50k.xba240, pd.mapping50k.hind240, pd.mapping250k.sty or pd.mapping250k.nsp} } \value{ \item{Return a data.frame with five columns : fsetid, dbsnp_rs_id, Chr, X and fragment_length corresponding to the fsetid, the rs_id, the chromosome, the position on the chromosome and the PCR amplified fragment length respectively.} } \note{People interested in tools dealing with array CGH analysis and DNA copy number analysis can visit our web-page \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \author{Guillem Rigaill, \email{italics@curie.fr}.} \source{Institut Curie, \email{italics@curie.fr}.} \keyword{}