\name{analyseCGH} \alias{analyseCGH} \title{GLAD analysis} \description{ Glad Analysis ot the genomic profile } \usage{ analyseCGH(data, amplicon, deletion, deltaN, forceGL, param, nbsigma, ...) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A data frame containing SNP's intensity, chromosome and position on the genome. data must have a Chr, X and LogRatio columns} \item{amplicon}{see the amplicon parameter in the daglad function} \item{deletion}{see the deletion parameter in the daglad function} \item{deltaN}{see the deltaN parameter in the daglad function} \item{forceGL}{see the forceGL parameter in the daglad function} \item{param}{see the param parameter in the daglad function} \item{nbsigma}{see the nbsigma parameter in the daglad function} \item{...}{Other daglad parameters.} } \value{ \item{An object of class profileCGH.} } \seealso{ \code{\link[mva]{getModel}}} \note{People interested in tools dealing with array CGH analysis and DNA copy number analysis can visit our web-page \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \author{Guillem Rigaill, \email{italics@curie.fr}.} \source{Institut Curie, \email{italics@curie.fr}.} \keyword{}