\name{hilbertImage} \alias{hilbertImage} \title{ Produce a matrix that visualizes a long data vector along a Hilbert curve } \description{ Calculate a Hilbert curve visualization of a long data vector and return it as a square matrix. } \usage{ hilbertImage(data, level = 9, forEBImage = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ A (potentially very long) vector of numerical data. } \item{level}{ The level of the Hilbert curve, determining the size of the returned matrix } \item{forEBImage}{ If set to TRUE, an Image object (as defined in the EBImage package) will be returned. NOTE TO MacOS X USERS: Due to a problem with EBImage's GTK+ bindings you are advised not to use EBImage and HilbertVis/HilbertVisGUI within the same R session as it seems to cause crashes. This shall be rectified soon. [Note added 2008-12-18] } } \details{ See the package vignette for an explanation of this visualization technique. } \value{ A matrix of dimension \code{2^level} x \code{2^level}. Each matrix element corresponds to a bin of consecutive elements of the data vector, the bins arranged to follow the Hilbert curve of the given level. The value of a matrix element is the maximum value of the data vector elements in the bin. If \code{forEBIImage=TRUE}, a true-color Image object is returned instead, where each pixel is colored according to the palette constructed by the function \code{\link{hilbertDefaultPalette}}. } \author{ Simon Anders, EMBL-EBI, sanders@fs.tum.de } \note{ For an interactive GUI to explore a Hilbert curve visualisation, use the function \code{\link[hilbertVisGUI:hilbertDisplay]{hilbertDisplay}} in the \code{HilbertVisGUI} package. } \examples{ # Get a vector with example data dataVec <- makeRandomTestData( ) # Plot it in conventional (linear) fashion plotLongVector( dataVec ) # Note how the peaks look quite uniform # Get the Hilbert curve matrix hMat <- hilbertImage( dataVec ) # Plot it with the 'image' function and the 'hilbertDefaultPalette' image( hMat, col=hilbertDefaultPalette( max(hMat), asArray=FALSE ) ) # Note how you can now see the non-uniformity hidden in the previous plot. # Note also the ugly aliasing when you change the size of the plot window. # Using EBImage allows to display in each matrix element as one pixel: # if( require ( EBImage ) ) # display( hilbertImage( dataVec, forEBImage=TRUE ) ) }