\name{readGenes.pfizer} \alias{readGenes.pfizer} \title{ Read genetics data files that use Pfizer's data format. } \description{ Read genetics data files that use Pfizer's data format. } \usage{ readGenes.pfizer(filename, phase=list(F), format=c("Pivot", "Listing"),...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{ Name of the file in which data is stored } \item{phase}{see below} \item{format}{Format of the file to be read, one of "Pivot" or "Listing"} \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to function read.table} } \details{ The argument \code{phase} may be: \enumerate{ \item{1}{A single logical scalar value that applies for all markers} \item{2}{A logical vector with one element per marker} \item{3}{A phaseObject (TBD) providing observation by marker by phase probabilities + definitions of contigs + probability of contigs } } } \value{ a geneSet object } \author{ Gregory R. Warnes \email{warnes@bst.rochester.edu} and Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com}} \examples{ # store where we are now here <- getwd() # move to the data directory dir <- file.path(.path.package("GeneticsBase"),"data") setwd(dir) # load Pfizer Data PfizerExample <- readGenes.pfizer("PfizerExample.txt", format="Listing") # look at the data PfizerExample # return to the original path setwd(here) } \keyword{misc}