\name{read.phe} \alias{read.phe} \alias{read.fbat.phe} \alias{read.pbat.phe} \title{Read '.phe' phenotype file data} \description{ Read '.phe' phenotype file data } \usage{ read.phe(filename, columns = c("family", "pid"), quiet = FALSE, ...) read.fbat.phe(filename, columns = c("family", "pid"), quiet = FALSE, ...) read.pbat.phe(filename, columns = c("family", "pid"), quiet = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{Name of the file} \item{columns}{Column names for the first two columns of a pedigree file. Defaults to "family" and "pid", where "family" is a unique identifier for each family, and "pid" is a unique identifier for each individual. } \item{quiet}{Logical indicating whether progress display is suppressed, Defaults to \code{TRUE}.} \item{\dots}{Additional (optional) parameters provided to function matrix} } \value{ A data frame containing the file } \author{Gregory R. Warnes \email{warnes@bst.rochester.edu} and Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com}} \examples{ # store where we are now here <- getwd() # move to the data directory dir <- file.path(.path.package("GeneticsBase"),"data") setwd(dir) # load hapmap chromosome 1 data xbat <- readGenes(gfile="xbat.ped", gformat="fbat.ped", pfile="xbat.phe", pformat="fbat.phe") # look at the data xbat # return to the original path setwd(here) } \keyword{misc}