\name{desMarkers} \alias{desMarkers} \title{Descriptive statistics for markers} \description{ Descriptive statistics for markers. } \usage{ desMarkers(geneSetObj, founderOnly=TRUE, thrsh=0.05, HWE.method=c("simulate","exact"), simulate.p.value=FALSE, B=10000, markerThrsh=100, maxDist=5, LDmeasure="r2", plot=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{geneSetObj}{a \code{geneSet} object.} \item{founderOnly}{indicates if using only founder info} \item{thrsh}{threshold for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test. If the pvalue of the HWE test for a marker is greater than \code{thrsh}, then the marker is a good marker.} \item{HWE.method}{method to do Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test.} \item{simulate.p.value}{indicates if the pvalue of the HWE test is calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. \code{simulate.p.value=FALSE} means the pvalue is calculated from asymptotic chi-squared distribution of the test statistic. Otherwise, Monte Carlo simulation is used to calculate pvalue. For more details, please refers to the \code{R} function \code{chisq.test}.} \item{B}{the number of replicates used in Monte Carlo simulation to get the pvalue of HWE test. For more details, please refers to the \code{R} function \code{chisq.test}.} \item{markerThrsh}{if the number of markers is greater than this threshold, then 'LDdist' is called instead of 'LD'.} \item{maxDist}{the width of window used in 'LDdist' function.} \item{LDmeasure}{indicates if \code{r^2} or \code{D'} is to be plot.} \item{plot}{indicates if LD plot is output or not.} \item{...}{Other arguments that are used by HWE.chisq or HWE.exact.} } \value{ a data frame contains components: \item{Name}{marker names} \item{Position}{marker positions} \item{ObsHET}{marker's observed heterozygosity (i.e., proportion of heterozygotes at markes). Missing alleles are excluded in the calculation.} \item{PredHET}{marker's predicted heterozygosity (i.e., \code{2*MAF*(1-MAF)}). Missing alleles are excluded in the calculation.} \item{HWpval}{pvalues for Hardy-Weinberg test} \item{pGeno}{percentage of non-missing genotypes for markes} \item{MAF}{minor allele frequencies. missing allele are excluded from calculation} \item{Rating}{\code{Rating[i]=1} means that the $i$-th marker passes HW test (do not reject H0 that HW equilibrium holds). \code{Rating[i]=0} means HW equilibrum does hold for the $i$-th marker.} } \author{Weiliang Qiu \email{stwxq@channing.harvard.edu}, Ross Lazarus \email{ross.lazarus@channing.harvard.edu}} \examples{ #data(CAMP) #res<-desMarkers(CAMP) #print(res) } \keyword{htest}