\name{alleleSummary} \alias{alleleSummary} %\alias{print.GeneticsBaseSummary} \title{ Summary of allele information} \description{ Summary of allele information. } \usage{ alleleSummary(object, by = NULL, confidence = 0.95, alpha = 1 - confidence, show = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, includeOverall = FALSE, omitRepeats = TRUE, ...) %\method{print}{GeneticsBaseSummary}(x, digits=3, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ geneSet object } \item{by}{optional column name, by which the summary is desired. Default is NULL. } \item{confidence}{ confidence intervals of Genotype frequencies within each marker (default is 95\%) } \item{alpha}{Type -1 error rate = (1- confidence)} \item{show}{No longer used } \item{verbose}{ Logical value (TRUE/FALSE), showing whether every 50th marker should be printed, default = FALSE } \item{includeOverall}{logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether overall summary is also needed, default = FALSE } \item{omitRepeats}{ logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether Gene name and marker name should be printed repeatedly for each Genotype, default = TRUE } \item{...}{Optional arguments} } \author{Nitin Jain \email{nitin.jain@pfizer.com} } \examples{ library(GeneticsBase) data(CAMP) temp <- alleleSummary(CAMP) print(temp) # display txt(temp, filename="alleleSummary.txt") # txt file html(temp, filename="alleleSummary.html") # html file latex(temp, filename="alleleSummary.tex") # latex file } \keyword{ misc }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS