\name{CAMP} \alias{CAMP} \docType{data} \title{Genotype data from the Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP)} \description{ "This dataset comprises a collection of parent/child trios in the Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP) Ancillary Genetics Study. The CAMP study is a clinical trial of asthmatic children (mild to moderate asthma) who were randomized to three different asthma treatments (CAMP, 1999). The data set includes 699 complete parent/child trios. Some participants are siblings, and there are 2011 persons from 640 nuclear families in total. Both quantitative and qualitative traits are available. "Genotypes: "The pedigree file, Camp.ped, contains genotype information for eight candidate genes (m709, m654, m47, p46, p79, p252, p491, p523). The last seven markers (all but m709) lie in a haplotype block. All the markers are bi-allelic. "Phenotypes: "The phenotype file, campz.phe, contains 12 quantitative traits (zposfevp, zposfvcp, zlogpc20, zampfmea, zpmpfmea, zbdabs, zfevbd, zbdpred, zsxcmean, ztoteos, zlogige, zncorpos). All of the phenotypes have been mean centered and standardized. The fev (forced expiatory volume) and fvc (forced vital capacity) variables refer to the amount of air that can be expelled from the lungs. The pc20 variable refers to the amount of irritant required to cause a 20\% drop in fev. The toteos variable refers to total eosinophil (a white blood cell) count, and Ige is a measurement of allergen reactivity." (quoted from Lange and Kraft 2005) } \usage{data(CAMP)} \format{ Object to class 'geneSet'. Covariate information described above. } \source{ Lange, C. and Kraft, P. (2005). "Short Course: Genetics Associateion Analysis." } \references{ Lange, C. and Kraft, P. (2005). "Short Course: Genetics Associateion Analysis." DeMeo, D. L., C. Lange, et al. (2002). "Univariate and multivariate family-based association analysis of the IL-13 ARG130GLN polymorphism in the Childhood Asthma Management Program." Genet Epidemiol 23(4): 335-48. } \examples{ library(GeneticsBase) data(CAMP) head(CAMP) } \keyword{datasets}