\name{ALZH} \alias{ALZH} \docType{data} \title{Sample from National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Genetics Initiative Alzheimer's Disease} \description{ Sample from National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Genetics Initiative Alzheimer's Disease } \usage{data(ALZH)} \format{ Object of class 'geneSet' } \details{ "This data set is a subsample from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Genetics Initiative Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Sample. The ascertainment and assessment of AD families collected have been discussed in Blacker et al. (1997). None of the families in this data set have parental genotype information; practically all of them have both affected and unaffected offspring. In total there are 901 individuals contained in 301 nuclear families. "Acknowledgements: We thank Genetics and Aging Research Unit, Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD, Director, for providing the data. "Genotypes "The pedigree file, Alzh.ped, contains genotype information for two candidate genes, apoe and a2m. The apoe gene is multi-allelic, while the a2m gene is bi-allelic. The dataset also contains the affection status (2=affected, 1=unaffected, 0=missing). "Phenotypes "We only will be using the Alzheimer dataset to examine affection status, which is contained in the pedigree file, thus a phenotype file for these data is not necessary." (quoted from Lange and Kraft 2005) } \source{ Lange, C. and Kraft, P. (2005). "Short Course: Genetics Associateion Analysis." } \references{ Lange, C. and Kraft, P. (2005). "Short Course: Genetics Associateion Analysis." } \examples{ library(GeneticsBase) data(ALZH) head(ALZH) } \keyword{datasets}