\name{summary,StabilityOverlap} \alias{summary,StabilityOverlap} \title{Summarize Overlap Scores} \description{Returns a five-point summary of overlap counts and scores, where the summary is done with respect to the different perturbed datasets.} %\usage{summary(StabilityOverlap-object)} \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{StabilityOverlap}} \item{which}{\describe{ \item{"scores"}{Summary with respect to overlap score.} \item{"overlap"}{Summary with respect to the number of overlaps.} }} \item{position}{Up to which position in the list (rank) overlap and score are computed. For instance, if \code{position=100}(default) then the summary is based on overlaps/scores on the lists of the top 100 genes.} } \seealso{\link{StabilityOverlap}} \references{Lottaz, C., Yang, X., Scheid, S., Spang, R. (2006) \cr OrderedList - a Bioconductor package for detecting similarity in ordered gene lists. \emph{Bioinformatics, 22, 2315-2316}} \author{Martin Slawski \email{martin.slawski@campus.lmu.de} \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix \url{http://www.slcmsr.net/boulesteix}} \keyword{univar}