\name{RecoveryScore} \alias{RecoveryScore} \title{Stability measures for gene rankings} \description{ Computes the Recovery Score of Pavlidis et al. (s. reference) below. The stability meausre is the proportion of genes that are declared significant (using usually multiple testing procedures) in both the original and the perturbed dataset. } \usage{ RecoveryScore(RR, method = c("raw", "BH", "qvalue", "Bonferroni", "Holm", "Hochberg", "SidakSS", "SidakSD", "BY"), maxpval = 0.05) } \arguments{ \item{RR}{An object of class \code{RepeatRanking}.} \item{method}{The p-value adjustment method, s. \link{AdjustPvalues}. Can also be \code{"raw"}(default), then no adjustment will be done.} \item{maxpval}{The maximum p-value at which a gene is still considered significantly differentially expressed (after adjustment).} } \value{A numeric vector of recovery scores for each perturbed dataset.} \references{Pavlidis, P., Li, Q., Noble, W.S. (2003). \cr The effect of replication on gene expression microarray experiments. \emph{Bioinformatics, 19, 1620-1627}} \author{Martin Slawski \email{martin.slawski@campus.lmu.de} \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix \url{http://www.slcmsr.net/boulesteix}} \seealso{\link{GetStabilityLm}, \link{GetStabilityOverlap}} \keyword{univar} \examples{ ### Load toy gene expression data data(toydata) ### class labels yy <- toydata[1,] ### gene expression xx <- toydata[-1,] ### get ranking ordT <- RankingTstat(xx, yy, type="unpaired") ### Generate Leave-One-Out loo <- GenerateFoldMatrix(xx, yy, k=1) ### Repeat Ranking with t-statistic loor_ordT <- GetRepeatRanking(ordT, loo) ### Compute Recovery Score rs_ordT <- RecoveryScore(loor_ordT, method="BH") }