\name{GetStabilityGLM-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{GetStabilityGLM-methods} \alias{GetStabilityGLM,RepeatRanking-method} \title{Stability measures for significance findings} \description{ Assesses the stability of the set of genes declared statistically significant for differential expression. To this end, p-values or adjusted p-values are used to generate binary response variables for a logistic regression model. As single covariate, the ranks obtained from the original dataset are used. Analogously to the linear model approach, weights are incorporated to attribute more importance to higher ranked genes. The deviance(s) resulting from these models are used as stability measure. } \section{Methods}{ The input is an object of class \code{RepeatRanking}. \describe{ \item{RR = "RepeatRanking"}{signature 1} } For further argument and output information, consult \link{GetStabilityGLM}. } \keyword{univar}